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Live Webinar • September 26 • 12PM PT

Cracking the Code: Best Practices for Reconciling Credits with Stripe Data

Reconciling credits is arguably the most complicated revenue accounting challenge subscription businesses face. Each credit type needs its own treatment. And there’s a wide variety of types: prorated services, mid-cycle downgrades, early cancellations –oh yeah, and your customer support team might adjust a customer’s credit balance for any number of reasons. Yes, credit data is accessible in Stripe, but it's very difficult to account for and reconcile, especially if you’re sending your Stripe data directly to NetSuite.

Lucky for you, we’ve cracked the credit code after helping dozens of companies on Stripe Billing successfully identify and account for credits. And now we’re sharing our proven best practices with you.

Join this live webinar to learn:
How all credit types are captured and applied in Stripe
Pro tips for factoring credits into AR and revenue reconciliation
Why handling Stripe credits in NetSuite is problematic

Our featured speaker

Erik Yao


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